Why Learn French?

  • French is the 5th most spoken language globally and the 3rd most spoken language in the U.S.
  • A quarter of American employers seek candidates who speak French.
  • French is recognized as an official language in 29 countries across all continents and as a non-official language in 38 countries.
  • The number of French speakers worldwide stands at 321 million, a significant rise from 171 million in 2005.
  • Studies project that French might become the world’s most spoken language by 2050.
  • International business, especially within the U.N. and in various regions globally, frequently employs French as a medium.
  • French is not only the official language of the International Olympic Committee but also serves as an official language for many international entities, including the United Nations, European Union, UNESCO, NATO, International Court of Justice, and the International Red Cross.

The Global Reach of the French Language

  • It is the 2nd most spoken foreign language in the world : nearly 300 million people speak French.
  • According to a study by the Natixis bank, the french language would become the most spoken language in the world ahead of English and Mandarin by 2050.
  • It is the most learned foreign language after English.
  • French is used on all the 5 continents!
  • It is the third language used on the Internet.

International significance

  • France is one of the most visited countries in the world with more than 70 million visitors per year. Being bilingual in French means understanding French culture by visiting Paris and all the beautiful regions of France. You can also speak French in Africa, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Monaco, DOM TOM…
  • French really helps to learn other languages. This is the case of Latin languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Romanian) but also English because French has provided more than 50% of current English vocabulary.
Welcome to the French Club graphic. Answering the question of why French, this graphic shows how the French language has 300 million passionates.

A cultural dimension

  • It is the language of culture, love and spirit. Taking French lessons allows you to take a cultural journey into the world of fashion, gastronomy, arts, architecture and science. It means having access to the great texts of French literature but also to cinema and song in their original versions.

A professional asset

  • Speaking French and English is an asset for finding a job. In particular with French and French-speaking multinationals in various sectors of activity (distribution, automotive, luxury, aeronautics, banks, insurance, etc.). France, the fifth commercial power, attracts foreign entrepreneurs, researchers and students. French is rich and allows you to nuance your speech. It is in fact very useful to learn it at the professional level.
  • French is also the official language in: the UN, in the European Union, at UNESCO, at NATO, at the International Olympic Committee, at the International Red Cross… It is also the language of the three headquarters of the European institutions: Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg.
Different stats showing why French is important and who speaks it around the world.

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